Look It Up: The FDA does not regulate the use of antibiotics in healthy animals

If you look at most of the packaging of meat, mostly poultry, you will find that it says “hormone-free”. However, if you look more closely there is a little star, and it says that the FDA does not allow hormones to be added to chicken anyway. Oh! Well Goody! If you do some research, however, you will find that the FDA suggests the animal agricultural community refrain from feeding livestock grain which is treated with antibiotics to healthy animals for the purpose of promoting growth. See, when the animal is not fighting bacteria, it has more energy to fatten up. So, not only does the food industry get to benefit from fatter chickens, but they also can prevent losing profit when diseases kill off their flock. Another bonus is they can pack the chickens in unsanitary, stressful conditions, and they will still be fat! Anyway, don’t listen to the labeling. Tyson has already been sued for using antibiotics and labeling it antibiotic-free. But who heard about the 5 million dollar settlement which entitled customer that purchased this lie to up to 50 dollars, anyway? For that matter,  don’t take my word for it… Look it up.

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